Adopt-A-Road Program

The El Paso County Department of Public Works Adopt-A-Road Program was initiated in 1997 to allow groups and individuals to show their pride in El Paso County and where they live. Service clubs, church groups, scout groups, and many others are current participants in the program, as well as many individuals.

Participation requirements are not difficult or tremendously time-consuming. To participate, we simply ask that you agree to pick up litter from both sides of a two-mile stretch of a County road at least four times a year. The Adopt-a-Road Program is a great opportunity for healthy activity in the clean Colorado air and bright sunshine. El Paso County provides litterbags and safety vests, and will haul away the full bags of debris left beside the road.

Volunteers receive recognition in the form of roadway signage placed at each end of the adopted section of roadway, giving you credit for your contribution to our community. For more information, please see the downloadable application below. Locations are available throughout El Paso County — including near your home, church, school, or place of work.

Show your pride in El Paso County! Help us keep the roadsides litter-free. Adopt a road today!

General Information

Did you know that roadside litter costs millions of dollars annually to control? It is not possible to keep up with the trash that thoughtless people carelessly toss onto the road. This is why we need your help.

Who adopts?

  • Adopt-A-Road groups include service clubs, churches, scout groups, associations, and many other organizations. In fact, many individuals and families adopt roads to show their pride in El Paso County.

What is required?

  • Parties agree to pick up litter from both sides of a two-mile section of a County road a minimum of four times per year.
  • Parties are encouraged to sort litter when picking up, taking recyclable materials to recycle centers. The group may keep any money collected from recycling.

What does El Paso County provide?

  • We will provide a sign giving credit to the group for volunteering on an adopted section of road. Up to three lines of text, with 12 characters per line.
  • We will provide litter bags and safety vests.
  • We will haul the litter bags away after the group places the full bags near the edge of the roadway.

El Paso County Department of Public Works will not be responsible for any injury to volunteers participating in this program.

Download your Adopt-A-Road Application

For more information or to request an application by mail, please contact Ann Merwede, Program Coordinator, at:
El Paso County Department of Public Works
3275 Akers Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80922
Phone: 719-520-6460 | Fax: 719-520-6879